What is the best plastic surgery to remove fat from body

A liposuction is a form of cosmetic surgery that is used to remove unwanted body fat causing permanently fat loss. This operation is carried out in areas that are still fat compiled by diet and exercise, but it is also not effective to burn the fat. In women, areas that are often targeted for liposuction are usually in the thighs, abdomen, and hips. Come on, see the facts you should know before and then do liposuction.

  1. Liposuction is not for obese obese people

Liposuction is a medical procedure for removing fat, but this is not a form of treatment or a way to lose weight for people who are obese. If you want liposuction, you must have a size 30% heavier than your ideal body.

This operation aims to remove fat deposits that cannot be eradicated by diet and exercise. This type of stubborn fat may be caused by lifestyle (the most important food). When you decide to lose fat by aspirating, you must be healthy and not a smoker.

  1. Liposuction is performed by a dermatologist and plastic surgeon

Liposuction is most often done by plastic surgeons and dermatologists. A plastic surgeon will perform the surgery to aspirate fats. Then, a dermatologist restores the shape of the skin after surgery.

  1. How it works liposuction surgery

When performing surgery, the doctor will make a small incision in the skin and inject minerals. This surgical technique is called the “tumescent” technique which works by removing excessive blood but causing swelling and bruising on the area where the fat is being sucked out.

After that, the doctor will insert an empty tube called a cannula into the small incision, useful to destroy the hardened fat deposits and manage fat in certain body parts. The aspirated fat will be stored in a tube container with a brownish-yellow result.

In recent years, liposuction procedures have been improved to make liposuction safer, easier, and less painful. Some liposuction procedures currently available include:

  • Laser and ultrasonic technology as the latest method

The latest technique for liposuction today uses laser techniques and ultrasonic light. Both of these techniques can melt fat and make it easier to absorb or remove. This technique can also reduce bruising and repair after fat removal surgery.

Before and after liposuction, you do not immediately see dramatic changes. You need to wear elastic bandages or special clothing that covers the entire body tightly after surgery to reduce swelling that can occur for days or even weeks. You need a strict diet to see maximum results for several months. If you gain weight after surgery, potentially high content of fat can appear in new and unexpected places.

Liposuction is usually done as an outpatient procedure in a surgeon’s practice equipped with adequate facilities, an outpatient surgery centre, or hospital. In general, you do not need to be hospitalized unless a large amount of fat is removed. Local anaesthesia is used in some cases, and you may not be given a sedative to help you relax. If the area or volume of fat is being treated, general anaesthesia or deep sedation with local anaesthesia can be used.

Fat cells are removed permanently during liposuction surgery. But you can experience weight gain again, with new fat cells, which usually appear in various areas of the body.

To maintain your body shape after surgery, follow a diet that includes a lot of consumption of lean protein, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat milk and exercise regularly. While most postoperative bruises will disappear within 2 to 4 weeks, some of the remaining swellings may take up to six months to fully recover.

The current liposuction procedure usually involves the use of very small incisions, which usually disappear over time so they are almost undetectable. The desired result of liposuction surgery is smoother contours and better body proportions.

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