Online CBD: what the law says in Italy

Online CBD and regulation: the state of play in Italy today

Juggling new rulings, laws, and changing and adding regulations is not easy for anyone, especially if these are unclear and, at times, contradictory.

[Article updated as of November 2020].

Laws in force in Italy regarding Cultivation and Sale of Online CBD

The crime of cultivation of narcotic drugs is configurable regardless of the quantity of active ingredient that can be obtained in the immediate, being sufficient the conformity of the plant to the botanical type provided for and its aptitude, also due to the methods of cultivation, to reach maturity and produce narcotic substance; however, must be considered excluded, as not falling within the scope of application of the criminal norm, the activities of cultivation of minimal size carried out in domestic form, which due to the rudimentary techniques used, the small number of plants, the very small amount of product obtainable, and the lack of further indications of their inclusion in the narcotics market, appear to be intended exclusively for the personal use of the grower.”

This is how the unified sections of the Supreme Court confirm, in the ruling filed on April 16, 2020, that a private individual can grow a very small number of pot plants, using rudimentary techniques, consuming their products, without committing a criminal offense.

The landmark CBD law remains Law No. 242 of Dec. 2, 2016, which allows the cultivation of hemp sativa L. for the production of fiber or non-pharmaceutical industrial uses, through seeds certified in accordance with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry. The approved plants are listed in the Common Catalog of Varieties of Agricultural Species, as they do not reach a THC value above the permitted limit (0.5 percent).

Growers are required to keep purchase documentation such as invoices and receipts for one year, or for the life cycle of the weed plant, thus certifying that they are growing certified seeds and plants with a low THC content.

There are as many as 68 genetics of hemp sativa, hemp indica and hemp ruderalis that can be grown and are legal; you are spoiled for choice.

Certified seeds for CBD should be purchased from authorized dealers and must be on the European seed register under Presidential Decree 309/90.

What to look for when purchasing Online CBD

To avoid risking trouble with the law (and with your health) it is good to:

  • Rely, when purchasing, on licensed physical or Online CBD stores, finding out information about the operating and legal location and the processes the raw material has received.

Grow legal CBD only for the following purposes:

  • Reduction of environmental impact in agriculture;
  • Reduction of soil consumption;
  • Reduction of desertification;
  • Countering the loss of biodiversity.

Having marijuana with you is not a crime if it is for personal use but there is still an administrative offense. Anyone found in possession of marijuana incurs:

  • License suspension of up to three years;
  • Suspension of gun license or prohibition in obtaining it;
  • Suspension of passport or other similar document and prohibition in obtaining it;
  • Suspension of a residence permit for tourism or inability to obtain it.

The maximum limit one can possess is up to 15 grams of “ganja” for personal and recreational use inside the home, and maximum 5 grams outside the home. Beyond these limits, one incurs the crime of dealing.

To date, recreational use of CBD bought Online or in a physical store, much less marketing for such purposes, is not regulated.

CBD cultivation has several positive implications:

Economic and employment: the hemp sector in Italy is growing year by year, turnovers are galloping as are jobs. In 2019, 10,000 people were employed, with 150 million euros in sales and 1,500 companies involved.

Online CBD sales in March 2020, accomplice to the lockdown imposed due to COVID-19, exceeded, in one month, the results achieved throughout 2019. All companies in the floriculture, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, bioengineering and green building sectors reported doubling profits.

Wellness: cannabinoids found in light hemp have health benefits and are scientifically proven to help relieve pain. CBD has anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsive, anxiolytic, antiemetic properties…

Therapeutic: High levels of CBD are used to treat disabling conditions as a result of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, to combat anorexia, cancer, and reduce involuntary body movements in Gilles de la Tourette syndrome.

So why is Cannabis Illegal?

Controversy about Online CBD also stems from the fact that, at first glance, it is not possible to distinguish the different types of legal and illegal marijuana, as it is the psychoactive substance it contains that is illegal, namely THC. In Italy, the THC concentration must not exceed 0.5 percent (0.6 percent during field flowering).

Marijuana containing high percentages of THC, which has psychotropic and euphoric effects, is considered a mild drug, making it for all intents and purposes a narcotic substance.

CBD (cannabidiol), on the other hand, is perfectly legal and is a natural product with calming and relaxing properties, but it must come from certified seeds.

The situation for Online CBD in Europe

In Italy, since 2016 it has been possible to consume and cultivate so-called CBD, that is, sativa hemp with almost no THC but high levels of CBD, thus excluding the psychoactive effects caused by THC while favoring the relaxing effects of CBD, reducing side effects and addiction problems.

The rest of Europe also has many restrictions, sometimes ambiguous, in short, all the world is a country.

In the Netherlands, marijuana can be sold and consumed only and exclusively within coffee shops; however, there is no formal legislation prohibiting or allowing the production and consumption of cannabis.

In the Czech Republic, one can possess up to 15 grams of marijuana for recreational purposes.

In Spain this limit rises to 40 grams, however, it must be consumed privately or in licensed cannabis social clubs, of which you must be a member to enter.

Luxembourg is now beginning to legalize Hemp for recreational use, giving battle to prohibition. People over the age of 18 will be able to use soft drugs distributed exclusively by two dedicated entities, registering in advance in a consumer registry.

Preceding the Luxembourg government’s decisions is Croatia, which is well on its way to full legalization and liberalization of hemp. Between environmental and economic reasons, the Croatians aim to educate people with a bill that would authorize the cultivation of up to 9 female cannabis plants with high percentages of THC, to be used as needed (personal use).

Please note that this article is not an official source about the mentioned regulations, therefore, before consuming or purchasing Online CBD products (inflorescences or other) we advise you to carefully read up on the current regulations in the country of your interest.

In our Online hemp store you will find only legal hemp light Online products and inflorescences: you can safely buy Online in full compliance with Italian law, as all products respect the allowed THC limits.

* Please note that the information in this article is for illustrative purposes, is taken from external sources and in no way constitutes medical advice. So before using THC or CBD products, we advise you to seek professional advice.

We urge you not to consume cannabis products outside the law-it can be very dangerous for your health, cause unforeseeable side effects, and bring you serious problems with the law.

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